Women on Boards

What is PWN Romania's Women on Boards Program

A wide research shows that a broad set of business benefit is associated with gender diversity in corporate boards. This includes an improved financial performance and a shareholder value, an increased customer and employee satisfaction, an increased confidence of the investor and a better market knowledge and reputation.

Currently, women occupy only 15% of non-executive management positions in listed companies in the European Union and only 2% of them are CEOs. A negative aspect is noticed also in Romania, where even fewer women are breaking the glass and are promoted as Directors in Boards.

 A holistic approach is required in order to support women into breaking the glass and develop their careers. Multiple stakeholders may contribute to this:

  • Companies should promote knowledge transfer, follow the best practice and lead by giving a good example and attracting others within this process
  • Different programs supporting women in their careers, such as mentoring and coaching ones, would be some great enhancers in this direction
  • Women should also become more aware of their potential and should work to develop self-empowerment and assertiveness
  • The government is the one which can provide the best support by making policies as to facilitate women’s access to top positions

PWN Romania follows a systemic approach into supporting its individual members in this process of accelerating their careers. It gives mentoring, coaching and leadership training, assists companies in developing gender diversity programs and supports any public policy that aims to give women access to decision making positions.


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